Orly Cogan
“Siren Call”
Painting, Embroidery, and Collage on Canvas
51 x 48 inches
“Innocence Lost”
Pencil on Leaf Print Paper
35 x 29 inches
Collage and Paint on Canvas
36 x 48 inches
“Devouring Rainbows, 2020”
Colored Pencils and Granite on Paper
18 x 12 inches
Orly Cogan lives and works in New York City. Born in Israel and educated at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art in NYC and The Maryland Institute College of Art, Cogan has been exhibiting her work throughout the US and in Europe for over two decades, and has been at the forefront of the fiber arts movement with an emphasis on Feminism in contemporary art. You can visit her website here.
Star Galler
Charcoal on Paper - 10” x 16” (2009)
“You’re Never Too Old”
Charcoal on Paper - 9” x 15” (2008)
I like my work to speak for itself, so this is going to be brief.
I am a classic realist artist.
It took me most of my life to figure out that I was an artist.
After earning a B.A. from Brandeis, and an M.A. from Colgate in literature,
I found myself constantly trying to find myself.
It wasn't until after college that I discovered my 'path' and my abilities. I began painting under the tutelage of renowned portrait artist Paul W. McCormack, who gratefully saw something in my 'untrained' drawings and believed in talent I didn't know I had.
The creation of my art is both my greatest pleasure and most intense torture. The desire for perfection can be almost too much to suffer, but then there is a moment in painting more rewarding than any I have ever experienced: the moment when the very thing you are painting suddenly takes on a life and actually seems to look back at you. And even better, it is incredible to watch a viewer develop an intimate relationship with the subject in my painting that has nothing to do with myself as the artist. I live for those moments.
I’m available for commissioned work. Please contact me with any questions or comments at